Protect Your Loved ones from
Ticks & Mosquitoes
If you have ever been bitten by one you know that mosquito bites are more than just a nuisance, in fact some can be dangerous or even fatal. Mosquitoes act as carriers of some potentially deadly diseases that are known to us as Zika virus, West Nile virus, Malaria, and more. At the same time, Ticks are parasites to humans, pets, and even local wildlife. Tick borne diseases pose many health risks to their hosts which is why learning about the best ways to prevent and control ticks and mosquitos at your property will give you peace of mind. Especially during the Spring, Summer, and even into the Fall months. We also offer Party and Event sprays to help keep you’re party pest free so they have a comfortable time!
East & West Pest Control had affordable chemical or organic options and programs to help keep you and others safe and comfortable while enjoying the outdoors.